Monday, April 20, 2020

How To make money online From Blogging in 2020


Now the world is all moving with websites & blogs for show casing any content from professional content to a informative content which is all needed in today's everyday Life. There are Many Freelancers , individuals out there creating and writing tons of websites & Blogs to display their content and also don't forget this creative & unique content always gets decent following if your niche is at least considered to be in demand.

Earning from blogs & Websites don't require very special skills but uniqueness is very important for the one who create and form a website /Blog. I would give you a very simple steps of making a good Website/Blog on any niche you select.

1) Keep it Simple with Design .

2) Try to write unique content as Google crawls unique content more highly than the one that is copied from other sites.

3) Don't try to use unauthorized images from other sites in fact create your own images for your content as there are many image making apps out there .

4) Be specific with the content you want to write.

5) At least Post one Article a week with 800 words per article which gives your article a proper narration.

6) Also you can monetize your website/blog with Adsense if your Blog/Website is minimum 3-6 months of age from the creation along with decent number of articles posted during this time provided you have unique content and good niche and maintain Google policies .

Monetization is purely depends on your uniqueness as many websites/blog owners won't be approved with Google Adsense as minimum standard are to be followed to get Approval from Adsense.I would also write an article on how to get approved for Adsense in the coming posts.

For Beginners who start a Blog , there are many things to follow in their blogger dashboard like :

1) Theme ( Blogger Theme Selection : Many free themes available to chose from and also custom Theme you can design with slight changes .

2) Layout ( where you can adjust the Gadgets like Blogger Title , Header , Navbar , Search me , Labels , Subscribe , Popular posts , Stat Counter , Followers etc., ).

3) Settings :
Basic : Title, Description Are to be given here in this section
Search Preferences : Give Meta Tag Description here
Other : Giving Google Analytics id

4) Create Google Search console Account and give your Blogger URL to get the performance of your blog.

5) Add Sitemaps in Google Search Console Account.

6) Create Google Analytics account from where you get Google Analytics id which you should give in blogger settings in other option as mentioned in point No.3 ( settings >Other >Giving Google analytics id ).

7) Create a Disclaimer Note Page which is very important.

8) Create Contact Us page for your viewers .

9) you can also remove navbar from your blogger from layout section by Removing it.

10) Start Posting your Articles with your own content rather than you copy it from somewhere else.

 11) We will also explain you how to post your articles thoroughly in your blogger and publish them successfully , also giving titles , Labels Perfectly in each and every post .

Once you start Posting , there are lot options where you can design your blog to make it look like a professional one which we will show you once you in our coming posts.

We will Explain each and everything in each different articles Like Blogger Settings, Posting and Publish an Article , Google Search Console Account Creation Along with settings , Google Analytics Account along with Settings with Narrative Images in our coming posts for new bloggers specially.

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